Anna is not highly educated, but she loves God and wants to share His life-changing power with the people in her community. She is a woman after God’s own heart. After completing her one-year training, and praying about where to start a new church, Anna felt God calling her to sell her home and move to a highly saturated Muslim village to share Jesus with the people there. Anna obeyed God and now her church is bursting at the seams!  She mentors future leaders and church planters who are already going to nearby villages and sharing the Good News of Jesus.

When Anna first arrived in the town of Mbwigu, she immediately contacted the village leader and his wife, Siwadaha, and began building relationships with them. Siwadaha was struggling with an illness and Anna prayed for her healing. God heard Anna’s prayers and Siwadaha was healed! Jesus did what the witch doctors could not, and as a result, Siwadaha and her husband both came to believe in the power of Jesus.

Unfortunately, Siwadaha quickly returned to her previous religious practices and rituals. When Anna came to visit, she told Siwadaha she didn’t need her amulets and to stop sacrificing on the altar behind her bed. It was then that Siwadaha and her husband decided Jesus was the one true God and now follow Him alone.

Siwadaha wanted to have another child, so Anna prayed for her. Siwadaha’s neighbors pressured her to wear her amulets to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, but Siwadaha refused. Once again, God answered their prayers. Not only did Siwadaha become pregnant, but she delivered healthy twin girls!

Siwadaha has found freedom and a full life in Christ. Her daughters will grow up knowing the love and grace of Jesus, and that they do not need to pay a witch doctor for protection or to work out their salvation.

Currently, there are thousands of church planters, like Anna, across the globe who have been called by God to share the Good News about Jesus with friends, family, neighbors, village leaders, and strangers. They, by showing up and sharing God’s love, have created groups of believers who meet regularly to worship, fellowship, and support one another as they grow in faith together. They meet in homes, under trees, in coffee shops, and in a variety of structures. These are churches started by individuals who were obedient to God’s calling and trained using Multiplication Network materials.

Imagine a movement of women around the world coming together to support and equip church planters, like Anna! Research shows that for every church planter trained by Multiplication Network, 1.32 churches are started!

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