Training to Share our Faith More Effectively

Anna’s Circle Training is best done in small groups, and/or with a partner, and all materials are available through Anna’s Circle Community. The training is not another Bible study, nor is it a “one-size-fits-all” approach; rather it is a set of customizable tools you will use to share your life as you develop relationships with those not following Jesus. We’ll equip you to share the Gospel in a way that fits your culture and personality. After completing Anna’s Circle Training, you will be more intentional about seeking out the lost and identifying opportunities to share your faith with joy, boldness, and confidence.

Anna’s Circle training materials (which are free!) were adapted from the highly successful church planter training provided by Multiplication Network. Since 2008, Multiplication Network has trained thousands of church planters, many of whom are women, like Anna. We are using their proven tools and techniques to help women in the U.S. to better share their faith in Jesus. 

What are the desired goals of Anna’s Circle Training?

  • Utilize the tools provided and practice what you learn as you complete each session
  • Write and practice your Gospel story so you are prepared to share it at any moment
  • Actively lead one person to faith in Jesus or help someone reconnect with Jesus and get back into a relationship with Him
  • Identify women you’ve built relationships with who are ready to learn more about who Jesus is. Ideally, you will have several who are ready to commit to a Discovery Bible Study that meets a minimum of four times
  • Introduce the appropriate person (pastor or ministry leader) at your church to Multiplication Network’s Take Your Church’s Pulse, a free resource to strengthen churches in the U.S.
  • Invite others to join Anna’s Circle so the Circle continues to multiply


Session 1: Getting Off the Bench and Into the Action

Session 2: Oikos: Moving Beyond Your Christian Bubble

Session 3: Listening Prayer

Session 4: Writing & Sharing My Gospel Story

Session 5: Walking Boldly & Overcoming Fear

Session 6: Connecting Others with God

Session 7: Inviting People to Say ‘YES!’ to Jesus

Session 8: Moving Another Toward Faith

Session 9: Leading a Discovery Bible Study

Session 10: Bridging the Gap to the Local Church

Session 11: Putting on the Armor of God: Spiritual Warfare

Session 12: What’s Next? Multiply!

Join the Circle!

Join with women who PRAY, SHARE, and GIVE to spread the Gospel!  Contact Us for more information and/or register online at to join Anna’s Circle Community! God is at work and we have the privilege of coming alongside Him and seeing what He will do as we obey His calling to “Go and make disciples of all nations!”

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